Our mission and purpose

St John Ambulance is a volunteer-powered, charitable organisation dedicated to first aid education and response. We train people in first aid to make their communities more resilient, provide medical support at public events and support the NHS. We also deliver engaging youth programmes throughout England.

Our vision is that everyone receives the help they need in a health crisis from those around them.

Our impact

At St John, we know that community first aid saves lives.

Community first aid also:

  • improves health outcomes through faster treatment;
  • makes communities safer and more resilient to face the emergencies that occur every day;
  • reduces pressure and demand on statutory services, principally but not exclusively in health; and
  • in its learning and practice, provides purpose, belonging and opportunities to develop for all individuals that engage, irrespective of age or background.

2023 in numbers

Educating communities

  • Over 16,000 attendees at community first aid sessions
  • 15,348 young responders trained with increased confidence to save a life
  • Increased awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning for 21,502 students.

Volunteers saving lives

  • 3,453 patients treated at night in 11 towns and cities
  • Attendance at 158 cardiac arrests saving 39 lives.

We rely on your generous donations to continue our work

Please donate so we can keep saving lives