Our Trustees

The Trustees are the stewards of the charity and thereby they are the group of individuals who make decisions in its best interests.

St John's parent charity is the Priory of England and the Islands of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem ("the Priory of England") and its Board is known as the Priory Council.

It has established a charitable company, St John Ambulance to oversee the management of all operational activity and its associated risks. The Board of Trustee Directors are known as St John Ambulance Board.

There are four ex officio Trustee roles, which means they are a member of both boards: the Prior (Chair of both Boards), Chancellor, Chief Commander and the Dean.

Our Executive Committee

St John Ambulance is led the Chief Executive and their appointed team members to provide executive leadership to the breadth of St John's activities across England and the Islands. The Chief Executive is empowered by the delegated authorities from the Boards of the Priory of England and St John Ambulance.

The Executive Team is accountable to the Boards of Trustees of St John Ambulance, and its parent charity, the Priory of England. This means, the team has the responsibility for proposing to Trustees the charity's strategic pathway and executing the approved strategic priorities.

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Our clinical team

Our clinical team ensures the first aid advice we give is accurate, and maintains standards of clinical practice throughout the organisation.

Our sister organisations

Find out more about St John International, the St John Fellowship, and our sister organisations based across the UK.

Our history and heritage

St John Ambulance is a modern and dynamic charity, but we are privileged to have a long and diverse heritage underpinning our vital work.