Workplace training

With thousands of training courses across the country, including a full suite of first aid, mental health first aid, risk assessment, fire marshal, and moving and handling courses, we teach hundreds of thousands of people to have the skills to save lives in their workplace – and outside of work – to protect their colleagues, family, friends, and members of the community.

We have over 200 venues nationwide so the right course is never far away. If you have a group that needs training we can come to you and deliver the training on your premises. This can not only save you time, but also money.

Our Emergency First Aid at WorkFire Marshal and Mental Health First Aid programmes are our most popular courses.

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 CPR training in action

Training for schools, pre-schools and those looking after children and infants

We also work with schools across the UK to:

  • train teachers and staff
  • teach first aid to students
  • provide the resources so that teachers can deliver first aid and health and safety lessons and activities as part of the teaching curriculum.

Community training

Our work in local communities is another way we spread people's knowledge of, and confidence to use, first aid.

We go right into the heart of the community with first aid training for local organisations and groups, for people who look after young children and infants.

For example, our Community Advocate and Community Champion programmes help us to reach local communities that would benefit most from our support. Community Advocates and Community Champions are based in these local communities. Their role is to inspire others to learn first aid skills. They do this by raising awareness of the importance of first aid. They also deliver first aid workshops at community centres, local events, and groups.

View our courses:

First aid courses

First aid courses


Mental health courses

Mental health courses


Fire, health & safety courses

Fire, health and safety courses


Learn life saving skills

Have a look at our range of workplace and community first aid training courses.