Donate today to save lives

A mental health crisis can be as life threatening as a cardiac arrest. With your gift today, our St John Ambulance volunteers will be able to respond. Will you help equip our team with the vital skills they need?

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A gift of £20 could go towards the mental health first aid training of a St John Ambulance volunteer, providing them with life-saving skills over an intensive two-day course.

A gift of £30 could help pay for more of our Young Responder school sessions, educating young people about mental health issues and informing them about the support available.

A generous gift of £40 could help fund the training of a qualified instructor to deliver Mental Health First Aid courses, helping us get ever closer to our 2024 target of 200 trained volunteers.

Each gift helps St John Ambulance train more volunteers to save lives.

£ Minimum donation £5 *Minimum donation is £${minAmount}

Phil and James story